Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been tagged (Kreativ Blogger Award)

Ok Angela Darling I thank you. I don't know much about this because I'm a new blogger but I will give it a try. Apparently I have to list 7 favorite things then tag 7 favorite blogs. Here it goes.

7 Loves:

1. Devils Food Cake
2. Strawberries
3. A good book
4. Summertime
5. Ice Tea
6. My MP3 player (love music)
7. Shopping

7 Bloggers That I Love

1. French Kiss
2. The New Black
3. A Balancing Act in Heels
4. Serious Shopaholic
5. Confessions of An Overweight Shopaholic
6. Lipstick Diaries
7. Running In Stilletos


Anonymous said...

How sweet...thanks!!

Janetta Gray said...

Thank you so much! This made my day!

jlc said...

AHH! Flattered!!!!

Thanks so much! Hope you're having a great week!!! I wanna check out these other blogs now!

Lip Smacker said...

Aw, thanks so much!!! I will try to get it up on my blog this week. You rock!! ;)

Miss Red said...

Well thank you all and you're welcome.